E um sorriso pode fazer renascer as palavras (não mortas) mas apenas adormecidas pelo tempo. Voltaram as fortes emoções, os olhares ternurentos e as lágrimas salgadas. Enquanto de um lado do mundo o sol se põe, doutro lado ilumina a penumbra e faz-nos pensar...este é um dia melhor.
If there were no tomorrow I would tell you That you are the greatest gift in my life Whose love I cherish above all else You sustain me with Your laughter, love, and friendship Before there was no knowing I'd tell you I love you infinitely, without boundaries, and beyond time.
Um comentário:
If there were no tomorrow
I would tell you
That you are the greatest gift in my life
Whose love I cherish above all else
You sustain me with
Your laughter, love, and friendship
Before there was no knowing
I'd tell you I love you infinitely, without boundaries, and beyond time.
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